Stripe Payment Gateway
For Easy Digital Downloads
20+ Downloads

Stripe Payment Gateway for Easy Digital Downloads

We Use this addon as Credit Card Payment for Easy Digital Downloads.

EDD Stripe works like any standard WordPress plugin, and once installed and enabled, it will automatically added a Stripe gateway to your website which has Easy Digital Downloads plugin installed and enabled.

This plugin built with Stripe JS. so its give PCI compliance. your customer credit card information never save or process on your server. everything handle by Stripe.JS

This plugin have two option.

Direct Credit card option using stripe.js
Stripe Checkout Popup Modal

Following features

Easy and Fast Processing
Secure Payment Processing because its not store credit card detail on server.
Accepts credit card and debit card.
Its support most of the EDD currency. you have to check supported currency here.
No redirection to payment gateway site. all processes happen on merchant site.


WORDPRESS: 4.3 or higher
EDD: 2.3 or higher
PHP: 5.4 or higher
Its include 6 months support.

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Stripe Payment Gateway

For Easy Digital Downloads